Bells Virtual Scribe listens in on your patient sessions and takes the notes for you.
You can record the session, which will then transcribe into text to use in your scribbles and notes.
The listening and recording happens in the Bells mobile application.
Once transcribed, the text is available to you in the web application to take directly into your progress notes.
For pricing and additional information on Bells Virtual Scribe please contact your Client Alignment Representative.
The Bells Virtual Scribe configuration begins in the Web.
Users must be individually given the role in Bells for Bells Virtual Scribe. This is done on the User Management display and can only be done by a Bells Administrator. The Bells Virtual Scribe role will only present in Bells when you're enabled for Bells Virtual Scribe by the Bells team.
When the Bells Scribe toggle is set to on/Yes the user will have the ability to start Scribe listening sessions in the mobile application.
When the Bells Scribe toggle is set to off/No the user will not have the ability to start Scribe listening sessions in Bells.
The User Management display also includes a counter of for the number of users enabled for Bells Virtual Scribe and is in the top right corner of the User Management display.
Additionally, a consent can be configured to display before Scribe listening sessions take place. When a consent is configured, the patient and session attendees must sign off on the consent.
The consent configuration can be found in the Organization Preferences, on the Consent tab.
Consents are optional in Bells.
If a consent is not configured, the consent displays and following signature flow will not present in the Bells Virtual Scribe listening session.

The Consent Occurrence allows Bells administrators to configure the frequency that consent presents in the Virtual Scribe flow. This setting is global and will determine the consent occurrence for all users and patients in th web and mobile Virtual Scribe flows.
This can be set to
- Every time - the consent will show for every virtual scribe recording.
- Once all-time - the consent only presents once for the patient.
- Once annually - the consent presents annually for the patient.
Patients can choose to refuse to be recorded. There is configuration in Bells to help with this. On the patient list and patient chart, Bells administrators can toggle the setting “Patient Refused Recording”. This setting is in the menu on the Start Note button on the patient chart or in the 3 dot menu on the hover of a row in the patient list. Non-admin users can still see this setting but do not have permission to change it.
Patient Chart Start Note:
Patient List
When toggled on, a label will show for the patient in the patient chart.
When toggled on, the Bells Virtual Scribe session can't include the patient in the web or mobile virtual scribe session flow. This means the “Are others present?” toggle will be disabled and forced to the off position.
Bells Scribe in Mobile
Once a user is enabled on the User Management display for Bells Virtual Scribe, in the Mobile application they can start Scribe listening sessions.
There are two (2) ways to start a Bells Virtual Scribe listening session in the Mobile application.
- Tap the top icon on the wheel when you tap the + button in the bottom right corner.
When tapped, the session display shows.
- Start a Virtual Scribe session from an appointment
- There is a button at the bottom of the appointment to “Start Scribe Session”
- When tapped, the session display shows.
The details captured should look very familiar to you: they're the same session details we've always captured for sessions in the mobile application.
These session details include
- Patient
- Session Date/Time
- Episode
- Program
- Toggle setting for “Are others present?"
- This toggle controls whether you're documenting the session with or without the patient/others.
- When toggled on
- The patient/others are present for the listening session.
- The consent (when configured) presents and signatures are required.
- When toggled off
- The session is for the signed in user only.
- No patients/others are present for the listening session.
- The consent (when configured) does not present and no signatures are captured as part of the Virtual Scribe flow.
Once the session details are captured, the additional attendees of the session can be added. These additional people can be family members and/or caregivers/guardians who would be included in the recording and subsequent transcription.
Now that all of the attendees have been captured, the consent flow will take place.
If your organization requires a consent to be included and the patient to sign off, that will display next. The consent is configured by your Bells administrator under Organization Preferences in the web application. For additional details refer to the Configuration section above in this article.
In the top right corner of the consent display you have the ability to translate the consent language for the patient/others present. Example below:
Much like the signature process on notes in the web application, the consent should be handed to the patient to review and sign or refuse, then the device be handed back to your user. A biometric or pin entry is required to re-gain access into the application.
At this point,
- We're configured in the web
- We've set our Virtual Scribe listening session details
- The patient has reviewed the consent and signed off.
How about we get to the recording of the session?
Across the top of the display, you'll see the patient card for the patient associated to the Scribe listening session.
The Continue button is used to return you to the display in the mobile application where you initiated the Scribe listening session (the dashboard).
The middle pane displays the recording for the session.
The bottom of the display includes the date of the recording, the length of the recording and the recording start, pause and stop buttons.
When the recording button is tapped, a sound wave displays and shows that the recording is taking place and the timer is ticking upward indicating the length of the recording.
The recording can be paused or stopped. When paused, the user will be prompted if they want to complete the recording to go to transcription or continue the recording. When the recording button is clicked again, the recording will be stopped and the transcribing process takes place. A tag will appear on the right side of the recording in the middle pane list indicating the status of the transcription.
If no conversation is detected a 5 minute countdown will begin. During the pause you will see a prompt to keep listening or pause the recording. The recording will automatically pause at the end of the countdown.
When the recording is stopped the transcribing process takes place. A tag will appear on the right side of the recording in the middle pane list indicating the status of the transcription. There will only be one recording per session.
Transcription for the recording can be found in the mobile application under the patient details for the patient associated to the Scribe listening session.
This transcription also show in the web for use as part of scribbles and progress notes.
Bells Virtual Scribe in Web
The Bells Virtual Scribe listening session can be completed in the mobile application and the transcription will come to the Web application to user in your progress notes. A Virtual Scribe listening session can also be done in the web application.
Anywhere you can start a note, you can start a Virtual Scribe listening session in the web application.
This includes:
- From an appointment
- In the agenda
- On the User Dashboard
- On the Patient Chart - Summary Tab - Upcoming Appointments widget
- On the Patient Chart - Appointments Tab
- From the User Dashboard - Start Note button
- From the Patient Chart - Start Note button
The Start Note button on the Dashboard and Patient Chart have been updated to include a value for “Start Scribe Session”. The new value is found in the additional menu available via clicking the 3 dots when on the Dashboard or the arrow icon on the Patient chart button.
When the Start Scribe Session is selected, the session details display.

These session details include
- Patient (already selected, shows in the header)
- Session Date/Time
- Episode
- Program
- Toggle setting for “Are others present?"
- This toggle controls whether you're documenting the session with or without the patient/others.
- When toggled on
- The patient/others are present for the listening session.
- The consent (when configured) presents and signatures are required.
- When toggled off
- The session is for the signed in user only.
- No patients/others are present for the listening session.
- The consent (when configured) does not present and no signatures are captured as part of the Virtual Scribe flow.
Once the session details are captured, the additional attendees of the session can be added. These additional people can be family members and/or caregivers/guardians who would be included in the recording and subsequent transcription.
Now that all of the attendees have been captured, the consent flow will take place.
If your organization requires a consent to be included and the patient to sign off, that will display next. The consent is configured by your Bells administrator under Organization Preferences in the web application. For additional details refer to the Configuration section above in this article.
In the Consent display you'll see the patient card for the Virtual Scribe session, the Consent language and the signature functionality to capture the signature(s) for your patient and other present.
In the top right corner of the consent display you have the ability to translate the consent language for the patient/others present.
Much like the signature process on notes in the web application, the consent should be handed to the patient to review and sign or refuse, then the device be handed back to your user. A pin entry is required to re-gain access into the application.
At this point,
- We're configured in the web
- We've set our Virtual Scribe listening session details
- The patient has reviewed the consent and signed off as needed.
How about we get to the recording of the session?

Across the top of the display, you'll see the patient card for the patient associated to the Scribe listening session.
The middle pane displays the recording for the session.
The bottom of the display includes the date of the recording, the length of the current recording and the recording start and stop button.
When the recording button is clicked, a sound wave displays and shows that the recording is taking place and the timer is ticking upward indicating the length of the recording.
The recording can be paused or stopped. When paused, the user will be prompted if they want to complete the recording to go to transcription or continue the recording. When the recording button is clicked again, the recording will be stopped and the transcribing process takes place. A tag will appear on the right side of the recording in the middle pane list indicating the status of the transcription.
If no conversation is detected a 5 minute countdown will begin. During the pause you will see a prompt to keep listening or pause the recording. The recording will automatically pause at the end of the countdown.
Transcriptions for the recording can be found on the Virtual Scribe tab in the Patient Chart and show in the left pane of the progress note to pull into your text fields.

In the Virtual Scribe display in the web, you'll find a list of Scribe Sessions for the selected patient on the left, the main pane can show the transcription or the summary for the selected session.
On the Transcription tab, the Speaker Distribution shows the breakdown of who spoke during the session and what percentage each person spoke. This section is collapsible and is followed by the Transcription from the session.
If the session was a dictation session, i.e no others were present including the patient, the speaker on the transcription will be automatically set as the user who started the session.
Additionally, a summary of the Virtual Scribe listening session is available. The summary is an AI generation from the listening session.
The summary and transcriptions can be added to your progress notes from the left pane in the note writing experience and are fully editable once in the note.
To move the text from the Transcription or Summary is just like copying text from your Scribbles into the note. When you highlight text in the pane, a menu shows including the text sections available in the note to copy the text to.
In the summary, you will find at the end of each line is a citation tooltip. It shows a number within brackets like this: [1].
This is seen in the following locations
- Patient Chart Summary
- Progress Note Editor left pane Summary
The data included in the citation includes the speaker name, timestamp in the recording where the line came from and line of text in the transcription being used to create the summary. This information shows on hover of the citation bracket.
Here is an example:

Also from the Patient Chart section, there is a tab for Consents.
The tab shows to the right of the Virtual Scribe tab and shows a grid list of all the Consents for the patient.

When a Consent is clicked you can see the Consent language that was signed off on as well as the signatures for the Consent.
Patients/others present can sign the consent or choose to refuse to sign.
If the patient refuses to sign the consent a dictated session will be started.
Enabling your Microphone
A microphone is required to start a Bells Virtual Scribe listening session.
If Bells cannot detect your microphone when starting the session, an alert will show on the Session Details display.

Additionally, a pop-down alert will display from your browser URL bar at the top left asking for Bells to have access to your microphone.
If access is granted, the Bells Virtual Scribe listening session continue from the Session Detail display.
If access is not granted, Bells will prevent you from starting a Virtual Scribe listening session by disabling the Start button from the Session Detail display.
If you want to change your microphone permission setting, right click the button to the left of the URL in the URL bar at the top of your browser.
Example below from a Bells QA Test environment:
Changing Your Microphone
If you would like Bells Virtual Scribe to use a different microphone than the default on your computer, you can change that via your browser settings.
For most browsers, you can search for “Microphone” to quickly access your microphone settings.
For Chrome:
- Go to Settings on the 3 dot menu in the top right corner, just under your X
- Select Privacy and security from the left nav bar
- Select Site settings at the bottom
- Under Permissions select Microphone

For Edge:
- Go to Settings on the ellipse, 3 dots under your minimize icon in top right corner
- Select Cookies and site permissions on left nav bar
- Under All permissions select Microphone
Virtual Scribe Dashboard
Much like the Clinical Recommendation Summary, Bells Virtual Scribe also has a Dashboard that puts your metrics at your fingertips!
The Virtual Scribe Dashboard is available in the Reports Section to Bells Administrators.
Across the top you'll find the filter capabilities we all know and love. You'll be able to set filters and save filters that make sense for your workflows based on Date, Practitioners and Programs.
Just below the filters is the Metrics bar
The Metrics we feature across the top include
- Sessions - Shows the number of Scribe sessions based on the filters.
- Notes from Scribe - Is the number of notes created from Scribe sessions.
- Notes without Scribe - Is the number of notes that were done where there was not a Scribe session.
- Note Utilization Average - Shows the percentage of Scribe utilization in notes.
- Total Time - Shows the hours and minutes of the total time in Scribe session recordings.
Top Users
The top users widget shows the top 5 users that are Bells enabled and using the Bells Virtual Scribe functionality the most. The widget shows the users' name, how many scribe sessions they had during the filter period as well as their total time in Virtual Scribe sessions. The list is sorted based on the total time.
View Data
Clicking the View data button in the widget displays an expansion of the data showing in the widget. All users for the organization that have Virtual Scribe Sessions show.
You can also export the data with the “Export” button in the bottom right corner.
Active vs Enabled Users
The Active vs Enabled Users widget shows the percentage of active Virtual Scribe users vs the users who are enabled for Virtual Scribe but were not active in the filter date range.
On hover you'll see the number of active users vs enabled users.
View Data
Clicking the View data button in the widget displays an expansion of the data showing in the widget. For Active vs. Enabled, all users that have Virtual Scribe enabled will show. The active column displays a green Y or a red N indicating if they're active or not. The last active date column shows the date the user last had a virtual scribe session based on the filters.
You can also export the data with the “Export” button in the bottom right corner.
Staff Speaking
The Staff Speaking widget displays the percentage breakdown of the amount of time in sessions the practitioner speaks vs. the percentage of time the patient/others speak. Only sessions where a patient was present are included in the data for this widget. This widget is much like the speaker distribution widget in the web and mobile transcription displays, except across all Scribe notes in the filter criteria.
View Data
Clicking the View data button in the widget displays an expansion of the data showing in the widget. For Staff Speaking the users with Scribe sessions where a patient was present display. The data includes the number of sessions as well as the percentage the user spent speaking in their sessions during the filter criteria timeframe.
You can also export the data with the “Export” button in the bottom right corner.
The Times widget displays the breakdown of the time in each phase during the Virtual Scribe flow including the recording time, the time to process the recording, the time from finalizing the recording to creation of the note and the create to sign time for the note.
The display of this widget changes based on if programs are selected in the filter. If no programs are selected the widget will show the trending data by week. If programs are selected the graph will show horizontal bars vs. vertical. If the filter date is set to more than 8 weeks, the widget will display by month.
View Data
Clicking the View data button in the widget displays an expansion of the data showing in the widget. For the Times widget, the columns includes are
- Date
- Recording time
- Processing time
- Processed to Create
- Created to Sign
You can also export the data with the “Export” button in the bottom right corner.
The Consents widget breaks down if consents were accepted and turned into a Listening Session, if there was no consent and was part of a dictation session or if the consent was refused by the patient/others.
View Data
Clicking the View data button in the widget displays an expansion of the data showing in the widget. Users that had scribe sessions within the date range will show along with a count of the listening sessions, dictation sessions or refused consents.
You can also export the data with the “Export” button in the bottom right corner.
Still have questions? Check out the Bells Virtual Scribe FAQ article.