Multi-Service Notes
Multi-Service notes are used when a practitioner needs to document more than one service for a patient for the same day. Multiple services can be selected in the session information to write at the same time for the patient. Multi-Service notes cannot be started from an appointment. Users must select “Start a Multi-Service Note” from the start note menu to start the note.
Configuring Multi-Service Notes
Before you can start a Multi-Service note, Note types must be configured to be used for Multi-Service documentation. Without this crucial piece of configuration (performed by your administrator), the application will not let you start multi-service notes.
This configuration is done under the Organization Settings that can only be accessed by Bells Administrators. When note types are configured, the toggle for “Available for multi-service” will be off by default.
When toggled on, the note type being configured when set for a service selected for a multi-service note, will be available for selection when starting the note.
Writing Multi-Service Notes
Multi-Service Notes can be started when the appropriate value in the start note menu for “Start Multi-Service Note” is selected. This value shows in the start note menu from the User Dashboard or the Patient chart.
Examples below are from a myAvatar test environment, you may have less values in this menu in your environment.
Setting up the Multi-Service Note
When you click Start Multi-Service Note from the start note menu, the Session Information displays for the multi-service note.

The multi-service note session information is very similar to an individual note, except the Service selection happens in the main pane. The services available are still filtered the same way they would be in an individual service, but additionally filtered to the services associated to the note types configured for multi-service notes.
In the main pane you can search for specific services or select view all to see all services available. If a service has more than one note type available for multi-service then users will need to select the appropriate note type.
The multi-service note session details include remember functionality. If a multi-service note had been started before for the same patient by the same user, the session details and services previously selected will default in the new multi-service note.
Starting the Multi-Service Note
Once all services have been selected for the patient, you are ready to start the note.
Clicking the Start Note button creates a note per selected service for the patient.
Filling out the Multi-Service Note
Much like standard progress notes in Bells, the note editor for Multi-Service is broken into 3 panes. The left pane displays a list of the services selected for the patient, the middle pane is the note type for those services, and the right pane will continue to handle all the speed metrics, clinical recommendations, validations as well as spelling and grammar.

The left pane has quite a bit of functionality. Just like in standard progress notes, you'll have access to scribbles, transcriptions (if configured to utilize Bells Virtual Scribe), the patient sidebar for all the demographic information and expansions. More importantly in this flow, the left pane is used to navigate through the different services you're documenting for the patient.
The left pane is sorted based on the Session Time for the note, then alphabetically. If the note type does not include a session time section it will display after the services that do and alphabetically.
The main and right pane of the note editor have not changed as part of the Multi-Service note functionality and will continue to work just as they do in the standard note flow.
Each individual note in Multi-Service note flow includes the Override check box capability like the group notes. This will allow you to Override the Program or Location from the Start Note display based on the service for the note.
Just like with group notes or bulk sign, each service can be reviewed and marked as reviewed to be signed. When the check mark on the right side of each service card in the left pane is clicked the note is validated for required fields, document routing and other signatures before the user is able to apply their signature.
Once multi-service notes are signed, they'll show in grids within Bells as individual services and sync to the EHR the same way.
Prior to being signed (unsigned/draft note) the services will be grouped together in the reports and dashboard widgets. Patient charts will show the notes as individual services even when unsigned, but when opened will launch the multi-service note editor. The multi-service note records will show with a note counter of the notes in draft and the total notes for the multi-service in the unsigned note report and unsigned notes widget on the dashboard.