CT Tasks Configuration

Written By Felicia Conner ()

Updated at January 16th, 2020


CT|Tasks can be used as a stand-alone process or incorporated in processes such as ePrompts and ScoreTrak. Task category, priority and status options can be customized to fit clinical, medical, billing and administrative workflows.

CT|Task Configuration consists of three maintenance windows:

  • Task Status
  • Task Priority
  • Task Category

Task Status

The Task Status is customizable. To create a new Status select the Add button and to modify an existing Status select the Edit button. The system default status options are Open, Completed, Canceled/Deleted these statuses should not be modified.

Access:  Maintenance > Task Options > Task Status

  1. Click the Add button.
  2. Enter a description for the status this text will present in the status drop-down of the Task.
  3. Enter an effective date for the status.
  4. Select the status type:

Open: The task is in an editable state.
Completed: The task is in a non-editable state and removed from the open task list.
Canceled/Deleted:  The task is in a non-editable state and not eligible to be added to the client chart.

     5. When a new task is created will this status be the task’s initial status? Select Yes or No from the Default on Add drop-down.

     6. Click Save. 

Task Priority

The Task Priority is customizable. To create a new priority select the Add button or to modify an existing priority select the Edit button.

Access: Maintenance > Task Options > Task Priority

  1. Click the Add button.
  2. Enter a description for the status this text will present Priority drop-down on the task.
  3. Enter an effective date for the priority.
  4. Enter a numerical value for the order. This value is used to determine the sort order of tasks. 
  5. Click Save.

Task Category

The Category options are customizable to fit agency workflow. To create a new Category click the Add button or to modify an existing category select the Edit button.

Access:  Maintenance > Task Options > Task Category

  1. Click Add to create a new category.
  2. Enter a Description for the category, the text entered will display in the Category drop-down on the task.
  3. Enter an effective date for the category.
  4. Category Type:  Select “Generic Category”
  5. Due Date Update:  Select the appropriate option for this task category.
    • No - Due Date cannot be changed, user cannot adjust the original task due date.
    • Yes - Due Date can be adjusted, user can change the due date set on the task.
  6. Add Task to Chart:  Select the appropriate option for this task category.
  • Do not add to chart based on Category: The task cannot be added to the client chart.
  • Automatically Insert to Chart: When the task is set to a complete status it is automatically added to the client chart.
  • Allow User to Optionally Insert: The task recipient determines if the task is to be added to the client chart.

       7. Add the Priorities that can be used with this Task Category.

  1. Click the Edit Priority List button.
  2. The Selection window presents.
  3. Move the allowed priorities for this category from the left column to the right column. 
  4. Click OK.

     8. Add the Status that can be used with this Task Category.

  1. Click the Edit Status List button.
  2. The Selection window presents.
  3. Move the allowed statuses for this category from the left column to the right column.
  4. Click OK.

     9. Click Save.  

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